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Petition: Goal Not Reached

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Petition: Goal Not Reached

Big Dog Plushie

By: Citrine's Animations

Petition Ended: March 23, 2024

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This petition did not reach its minimum goal of 200 supporters. Please allow 4-7 business days for all pledges to be refunded.

Message from the Creator

In an attempt to contain your favorite recurring nightmare, Big Dog has become a marketable plushie! With his soft new look, we hope that he takes a break from his attacks so that the sky stays blue, and so that he doesn’t attack you! And to keep him in check, the Pigeons are there to make sure he behaves. (Although if everything starts glowing red, be aware containing him was NOT successful) “They turned my mortal enemy into a plush? WHAT THE HECK!” -Big Dog’s last pet sitter, who is no longer with us. “NOT THE PIGEONS!!” -Oranges and Bananas enjoyer, who is also no longer with us… odd.