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Petition: Goal Not Reached

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Petition: Goal Not Reached

Chibi Flute Plushie

By: Kittyflute

Petition Ended: December 2, 2024

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This petition did not reach its minimum goal of 200 supporters. Please allow 4-7 business days for all pledges to be refunded.

Message from the Creator

Hello everynyan it’s kitty! I know I’m always coming up with schemes and things but this is not one of them! Have you ever wanted your own chibi flute plush to cuddle with at night when you’re feeling down? Well now’s your chance to make this dream a reality. All you have to do is petition with me and sign this contract like you are all used to. Before you know it my plush will fill you up with joy and definitely not be punted or abused. My plush will never go out for milk at the middle of the night and never come back. Chibi will be there for you even when your father wasn’t. So please sign up now before you miss out on your chance to get a one of a kind chibi flute plush. Not a scam makeship is great and doesn’t kidnap people!

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