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Goal Reached!

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Goal Reached!

Let's make the Eightfold happen!

By: Zack Morrison


Product Launched by October 21, 2024.

539 supporters

269% of Goal

Notify me when it launches



Eightfold is one of my favorite spirit designs I've ever done, and I would love to bring her to life with your help! She deserves a happy sequel in your home. Although, if, hypothetically, the earth her book was sealed beneath became a tranquil ocean... perhaps another chapter of her story could still surface...

Petition Process

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Ends July 27, 2024

Community shows their support for the idea to become a real product!

Live Campaign

Prototype is revealed by October 21, 2024.

3-week limited edition product drop.


A single batch will be made-to-order


Delivery takes 7-15 business days.
*Delivery to some areas may take
10-30 business days


For any questions, please contact Makeship Customer Support

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