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Goal Reached!

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Goal Reached!

Let's make the Psychopomp Plushie happen!

By: Fading Club


Product Launched by October 16, 2024.

644 supporters

322% of Goal

Notify me when it launches



This is a once in a lifetime chance to let Psychopomp into your house! Have her explore your basement, uncover the deep truths hidden in your cupboard! Put her under the bed and let her collect dust! Then cuddle with her and collect the dust onto your face! I love Psychopomp! I wanna see her become real!

Petition Process

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Ends July 22, 2024

Community shows their support for the idea to become a real product!

Live Campaign

Prototype is revealed by October 16, 2024.

3-week limited edition product drop.


A single batch will be made-to-order


Delivery takes 7-15 business days.
*Delivery to some areas may take
10-30 business days


For any questions, please contact Makeship Customer Support

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