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Petition: Goal Not Reached

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Petition: Goal Not Reached

Willy Cream Plushie

By: NiceCarito

Petition Ended: December 19, 2023

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This petition did not reach its minimum goal of 200 supporters. Please allow 4-7 business days for all pledges to be refunded.

Message from the Creator

William Cream, or Willy to his friends, is a young British gentleman made of sweet vanilla ice cream and whipped cream who works part-time in an office and studies literature at the College of Rooibos City!

Everywhere he goes, Willy sweetens the mood. But he can't help being extremely clumsy when he runs into his handsome supervisor, who makes his heart beat fast and melts it slowly!

Pink is Willy's signature color, a color full of sweetness, tenderness, love and illusion! Just like Willy is!