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Angel Dusty Plush

By: Freedom Farmhouse

Ended: July 1, 2023

1,031 sold

515% Funded


Ships September 24, 2023

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Message from the Creator

Freedom Farmhouse began with a group of sixteen barn cats, most of whom were notably orange with one who stood out from the rest. In a sea of orange was our grey & white kitty, Dusty.

Dusty was a fierce protector over his barn lions. He was always patrolling who came & went in the cat house and made sure no intruders got too close to the others. But more than that, he was a nurturer. He welcomed kittens with open paws and instantly stepped up to care for them (and to put them in their place when they acted up). He cuddled up with any kitty who needed the extra warmth.

In the 4 years we were blessed to care for Dusty, he made an impact on us all. He loved his humans and especially his crew with all that he had. When he passed on over the winter, we were devastated and heartbroken to say the least. But we made a promise to not only look after HIS colony, but to keep his memory alive always.

This is why we are so excited to launch an Angel “Deputy” Dusty in his honor. Because you can’t have a Barn Lion without their Deputy. Angel Dusty promises to keep you safe at all costs and offer head butts whenever you need a pick me up.

Help us honor our special boy and also help us to continue rescuing more animals! The proceeds from this fundraiser will be dedicated to renovating our 200 year old barn. These renovations are very costly, but so worth it because it will allow us to take in more farm animals and open a space for people to visit our sanctuary.

For more amazing Freedom Farmhouse
content, Click Here!


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