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Cthulu MauLer Plush

By: MauLer

Ended: May 18, 2024

1,148 sold

574% Funded

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Best sellers we think you'll like:

Emotional Support Demon Plush

The Click

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Message from the Creator

Erupting from far stretches of the cosmos, torn from an aberrant dimension, comes Cthulu MauLer The Longman! in plushie form...

This, at least some-what, well-dressed eldritch creature with a penchant for chatting about media has been plushified during a metamorphosis!

He is accompanied by a helpful buddy from the beyond. As well as a half-functioning gas mask and suit. Alongside a new view on this eldritch abomination's horrifying form, ready for those nights in watching movies and playing games.

You may get a sense of eerie judgement from this cuddly lil creature but he's happy to simply sit down with yah and enjoy some TV.

Get him before it's too late, but don't forget to pick up Peeping AZ, Xray Girl, Gary of Rivia as part of the Real BBC set!

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content, Click Here!


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