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Eyes in the Forest Bag

By: Riotbones

Ended: July 22, 2022

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Message from the Creator

Forests, old and otherworldly, can simultaneously inspire both awe and terror. With their thick canopies of trees and a musty, dense atmosphere that feels almost suffocating, the woods are often navigated not with sight but with faith and memory. Peering into the dark, you’ll find all sorts of creatures eyeing you. Sometimes it is wolves that stalk you like prey, other times it is deer that assess if you pose any sort of threat to them, ready to run at the slightest sign of danger—or maybe its a lone buzzard, waiting for you to meet an untimely demise. However, more often than not, the most terrifying eyes that you see looking back at you are ones that are most familiar.

Take the mysteries of the dark woods with you wherever you go with the “Eyes in the Forest” Bag! Try not to stare back for too long, though.

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