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Hammy the Hamster Plush

By: Bithapi

Ended: November 25, 2022

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Message from the Creator

Meet Hammy the hamster who's in DISTRESS!!
Just like many of us, he ate too much Halloween candy and pizza rolls, but now he wants his ABs back!?!?
(although let's be honest here Hammy, he never had them in the first place 🥲)

I tried helping him...but he has a DEATH GRIP on that pizza roll, I can't pry it out of his hands 💀
Hammy is insistent in his belief that if he just screams enough he'll be able to WILL himself abs!!! and honestly... I do see something forming on his stomach!!? but is that a good thing..? >.>
Keep him around or gift him to a friend as a diligent reminder of your desire to GET. DEM. ABs!!

But in all seriousness, this guy was one of the first characters that jump-started my career online and he holds a special place in my ab-less creator heart 🥰

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