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Lappet-faced Vulture Plush

By: Vulpro

Ended: October 2, 2022

329 sold

164% Funded


Ships December 26, 2022

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Message from the Creator

Lappet-faced vultures are one of the most misunderstood vultures, with cinematography portraying them to be associated with evil and bad things to come. Often people associate them with aggression and are pretty scared of them due to their size with a wingspan of 2,8 metres wide and striding around like they’re about to enter a professional wrestling arena!

However, the reality is quite different.
The truth is, Lappet-faced Vultures are gentle souls and it is for this reason that VulPro, together with Makeship, wanted to create a Lappet-faced Vulture plushy. To give the species a chance of some love, care and associated cuteness. Creating a Lappet-faced vulture plushy is an opportunity to change the past misunderstandings of these charismatic and majestic species and at the same time, raising much needed funds for vulture conservation. It is an opportunity to support vulture conservation, supporting one of the most understudied species and at the same time, showcasing them in a manner never showcased before.

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