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Ended: January 22, 2022
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The Click
Best sellers we think you'll like:
The Click
Message from the Creator
Meredith and the Mail Truck are usually delivering mail, but this time they're the ones being delivered! Maybe also to your door?
We couldn't decide which would be the best Lake plushie, so we made the obvious choice: two Lake plushies! Don't miss out on the Meredith Plush too!
For more amazing Lake content, Click Here!
Message from the Publisher
Whitethorn Games is proud to present the second and third plushies in our line of Makeship collaborations: Meredith and the Mail Truck (aka Goose)! If you have yet to take a trip to the little town of Providence Oaks, you can now do so through Game Pass on Xbox, PC, and Cloud, or you can pick the game up on Steam. The rest of our cozy library can be found here!
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