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Not Funded

NotSoWild Fany Plushie (Pre-Order)
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Our Campaign Guarantee

This campaign did not reach its minimum funding goal. Please allow 2-7 business days for all orders to be refunded.

Message from the Creator

This product is a PRE-ORDER and will only get produced if 500 fans or more choose to support this plushie, if not, everyone who ordered will receive a full refund.

The Official Fany Plush is Coming Soon!

USE CODE "15FANY" for 15% off!

Height x Width x Depth: 25 x 30 x 28.5 cm

Ships On:
November 30th

Worldwide Free Shipping:
For additional shipping info, including shipping times, locations, and our return policy, please refer to our FAQ.

Shipping Speed:
Deliveries usually take 7 to 15 business days to complete.


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