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Sold Out
Ended: December 25, 2021
234 sold
117% Funded
Ships March 20, 2022
Best sellers we think you'll like:
The Click
Best sellers we think you'll like:
The Click
Message from the Creator
Brutus has been turned into a snow dog for this winter season! He’s only available for the duration of this campaign, so get him before he melts away! … To be clear, he won’t actually melt. It’s a plush toy, so… not made of actual snow. I was just trying to make a clever pun. Wait, no, that wasn’t a pun, was it? A pun is, like, a play on words. ANYWAYS, get your Snow Brutus before the campaign is over! Jeez, l got off track there. Does this “message from the creator” thing have a word limit? Or can I just keep typing forev-
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