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Ended: December 22, 2023
206 sold
103% Funded
Ships March 9, 2024
Best sellers we think you'll like:
The Click
Best sellers we think you'll like:
The Click
Message from the Creator
A lot of you were asking for her, so here she is again.... the "That Bothers Me" Coco Plushie. However, this time Coco's brought along her glow in the dark friend, Little Miss Alien. Coco's fascination with UFOs and aliens started at a young age when she had her first unexplained experience. The recent news acknowledging the phenomenon brings Coco hope that we are moving closer to the truth. Meanwhile, Coco and Little Miss Alien are here to remind you that, although people may not accept that you exist, that just means their closed minds aren't ready for your truth, and Coco and Little Miss Alien will always be by your side to tell you clearly, telepathically, of course, that YOU exist and are out of this world! A phenomenon! Are you a believer?
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