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Not Funded
Ended: December 14, 2023
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This campaign did not reach its minimum funding goal. Please allow 4-7 business days for all orders to be refunded.
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Message from the Creator
Say hello to your meow-therapist!
Say goodbye to feeling sad, Yuki’s plushie is here for you. It’s just the purrfect way to get rid of feeling blue.
When in need, give Yuki’s plushie a hug! She’ll make you feel better, with her note in her paw, specially just for you.
PS: Remove my note for a soft floofy hug!
Yuki has been so heartbroken with what’s been happening around the world lately. Yuki will be donating $1 from each plushie sold, to Human Appeal (Gaza Emergency Appeal). A charity organization for the crisis in Palestine Gaza. thank you for your support!
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